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Maharshi Parashar Jyotish Anusandhan Sansthan

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Rashi Ratna

Rashi Ratna, also known as zodiac gemstones, are specific gems recommended based on one’s zodiac sign in Vedic astrology. These gemstones are believed to enhance positive qualities, counteract negative influences, and bring luck and prosperity. Rashi Ratna are chosen according to individual birth charts to align with planetary energies and promote well-being.  Maharishi Parashar offers personalized Rashi Ratna consultations, recommending gemstones based on your zodiac sign. Elevate your success with these carefully chosen gems. Book a consultation and enhance your well-being.

Lucky Stone

In vedic Astrology, Lucky stones are believed to bring good fortune and positive energies to their wearers based on their zodiac sign or birth chart. These gemstones, also known as birthstones or zodiac stones, are chosen to align with planetary influences associated with each sign. Wearing a lucky stone is thought to enhance luck, prosperity, and well-being in various aspects of life.

Lucky stones attract good fortune, and we guide you through analyzing your birth chart to recommend a suitable gem. Get affordable lucky stones and precise consultation service now at Maharishi Parashar.